Natural Cooling Remedy
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Natural Cooling Remedy – Shine Hempedu Bumi
As dehydration and heat stroke are haunting us during this El Nino weather in Malaysia, we should take preventive measure to keep our body healthy.
Shine Hempedu Bumi is a natural detoxification and cooling remedy that frequently used for preventing and treating common cold and flu. It is made up of natural herbal ingredient. It is also formulated in capsule forms so that easy to swallow.
Hempedu Bumi
Hempedu Bumi is a well-known traditional Asian medicine as natural detoxification and cooling remedy. It contains many flavonoids, a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Andrographolide, an active component of hempedu bumi can helps to inhibits inflammatory responses that results in reduction of intensity and recovery time of fever and sore throat.
Some research shows that administration of Hempedu Bumi extracts has a positive effect in alleviating the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, relieving the inflammatory symptoms of sinusitis and reducing the severity of cold symptoms.
Suitable for
Common cold and flu
Fever and body heat
Sore throat
Direction to use
2 capsules, twice a day