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Tips for Preventing Colorectal Cancer

#1 Always choose high fiber food

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) classifies dietary fibre as probably protective against bowel caner. It has protective function as it prevents constipation and removes toxic waste from our body. Thus everyone is encouraged to consume 20 – 30grams of fibre everyday, which is at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits.

#2 Reductions of red and processed meats in diet

High consumption of red processed meat is also one of the factors that increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Example of red meat are lamb, pork, veal, and beef

Example of processed meat are sausages, salami, ham, bacon and tinned meat.

#3 Calcium and Vitamin D good for colon

Meta analysis showed that people with the highest levels of calcium and vitamin D intake either from food and supplements reduced their risk of colorectal cancer compared to people with the lowest calcium intake. Thus, it is recommended to include at least 1-2 servings of milk and daily products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese everyday.

#4 Maintain healthy weight

Body Weight is the most crucial factor for our body health. It is estimated that the risk of people who obese (BMI over 30) are 33% higher compared to those who have a healthy BMI.

#5 Say no to alcohol and cigarette

This is undeniable fact that drinking alcohol and smoking will deteriorate health. There is systematic review showed a 21% increase in colorectal caner with heavy drinkers compared to non drinkers or occasional drinkers.

The risk will further increase if smoking. Thus, never start or quit smoking right now to save your future!

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